[The conclusion of Part 4] 3. New York — The issues here are rich and arise from the natural disaster suffered last week when Hurricane Sandy hit the mid-Atlantic states. To some extent, they repeat but also exacerbate the problems … Continue reading
In Parts 1 through 3 of this bog, we examined what Bush v Gore actually said. In this Part 4, we examine how the holding — the dictum — and the analysis in Bush v Gore, and the continuity in … Continue reading
Actually, two last thoughts on today’s Obamacare decision by the Supreme Court. First, this is “Steve’s Blog,” which I must point out, because my law partner (and real partner spouse) doesn’t always share my opinions on matters legal or otherwise, … Continue reading
A number of early commentators, some of whom have read the Supreme Court health care decision carefully, are focusing on the Chief Justice, both as the key vote and the author of the majority opinion. And there seems to be … Continue reading